Tag: Vegetable Garden Photos

  • Meet a Few of My Buds!

    Meet a Few of My Buds!

    It is definitely an early spring at Cowlick Cottage Farm. This morning, I harvested the shallots that I planted last fall…a full month early. Those beautiful, pink orbs are taking a sunbath right now, drying out a bit.  Harvesting them is fun. Just take a trusty trowel and insert it deep under the entire shallot bunch.…

  • December Garden

    December Garden

    The fall and winter are some of the most productive gardening seasons here in north Florida.  Although we do experience freezing temperatures, we also have warm days where the temperature rises up into the seventies.  There are fewer pests and diseases to cope with, thus less drudgery and more fun gardening than in the heat…

  • Scenes from the Garden

    Scenes from the Garden

    I woke up early this morning, just as the sun was rising, and wandered through the garden with my camera and my coffee.   It is the most peaceful time of the day here at Cowlick Cottage.  It is cool, and the morning dew is still clinging to the leaves and the flower petals.  Beautiful.  I…