Tag: Pretty Much Picasso

  • Moo Poo U

    Moo Poo U

    It took me several years of gardening to fully appreciate just how important healthy soil is. But when I began growing food for my family, I embraced organic methods. Why go through all the effort to grow your own food if you are just going to spray it with the same chemicals the commercial farmers…

  • Meet a Few of My Buds!

    Meet a Few of My Buds!

    It is definitely an early spring at Cowlick Cottage Farm. This morning, I harvested the shallots that I planted last fall…a full month early. Those beautiful, pink orbs are taking a sunbath right now, drying out a bit.  Harvesting them is fun. Just take a trusty trowel and insert it deep under the entire shallot bunch.…