Tag: North Florida

  • November Evening Garden Walk

    November Evening Garden Walk

    November is a wonderful time for gardening in north Florida. The light in the mornings and evenings is so beautiful it takes your breath away. Here are a few shots from the gardens at Cowlick Cottage Farm this evening. I hope you enjoy them! Cleyera adds fall color to the new border garden. Mustard, arugula,…

  • Sowing Inside for the Fall Vegetable Garden

    Sowing Inside for the Fall Vegetable Garden

    Believe it or not, fellow gardeners, now is the time to start your seeds for your fall vegetable garden. In the next six weeks or so, the weather will cool down to livable temperatures and levels of humidity. Your energy will return, and if you sow some seeds inside now, you will be ready with…

  • Scenes from the Garden

    Scenes from the Garden

    I woke up early this morning, just as the sun was rising, and wandered through the garden with my camera and my coffee.   It is the most peaceful time of the day here at Cowlick Cottage.  It is cool, and the morning dew is still clinging to the leaves and the flower petals.  Beautiful.  I…

  • Quick Garden Notes

    Quick Garden Notes

    Greetings, Fellow Gardeners! Just some quick notes regarding our gardening activities for Easter weekend. What a beautiful time of year here in North Florida. Despite the clouds of pollen, we relished the opportunity to be outside in the beautiful, warm sunshine. The okra, soybeans, green beans, cukes and herbs that we recently planted are sprouting. It’s…