Tag: Cowlick Cottage Farm

  • December Garden

    December Garden

    The fall and winter are some of the most productive gardening seasons here in north Florida.  Although we do experience freezing temperatures, we also have warm days where the temperature rises up into the seventies.  There are fewer pests and diseases to cope with, thus less drudgery and more fun gardening than in the heat…

  • Decadent Creamed Onions

    Creamed onions are the most beloved side dish that we serve for Thanksgiving at Cowlick Cottage Farm (see also, The Search for the Best Turkey Recipe).  I would be fired from my role as matriarch if I did not serve these sweet little pearls to my family for Thanksgiving dinner.  I make a double batch…

  • The World Is My Oyster

    The World Is My Oyster

    Every now and then I take a journey from Cowlick Cottage Farm to the big city. I pack my bags and hop on a plane, leaving husband, dogs, chickens and garden behind.  I feel a little wistful and a little guilty, but I go anyway.  It’s good for me. Recently I had the opportunity to fly up…

  • I Love Zinnias

    I Love Zinnias

    Since moving to Cowlick Cottage Farm almost five years ago, I have moved from a basic appreciation of manicured hedges and annual plantings of flower beds to a general obsession with growing fruits and vegetables that are not only great to look at, but also productive and edible. Once I saw the absolute beauty of…

  • We’re Jamming at Cowlick Cottage Farm

    We’re Jamming at Cowlick Cottage Farm

    The Mango Man delivered my annual order of organic fresh mangoes this weekend! Hurray!  They are enormous, sweet, and juicy.  Mangoes are quite nutritious, having antioxidant and anticancer properties.  Mangoes also have lots of vitamins A and E, which help to protect your heart and balance hormones.  Isn’t it nice when something so delicious is…

  • I Dig Figs

    I Dig Figs

    I was really happy this morning to find a generous handful of fresh figs ripe and ready for us to enjoy. Have you ever feasted upon a fresh fig? I must confess that I never had, until I picked the first one one from our own tree.  A fresh ripe fig tastes nothing like a…

  • Preparing your fall organic vegetable garden

    Preparing your fall organic vegetable garden

    Southern home gardeners are blessed with the opportunity to grow fruits and vegetables almost year round. In fact, July and August are the slowest months for the garden because it’s so hot and humid. It’s a little sorry out there right now. But it is a great time to get ready for fall gardening. Fall…

  • Mid-June Harvest at Cowlick Cottage Farm

    It was a big harvest weekend at Cowlick Cottage Farm!  Here’s what went on! The heirloom tomatoes are coming on strong. They are a good nine feet tall now, and we are picking daily. I think there 40 tomatoes ripening on my counter. Come and get some maters! We are still picking green beans, but they have definitely…