Tag: border garden

  • November Evening Garden Walk

    November Evening Garden Walk

    November is a wonderful time for gardening in north Florida. The light in the mornings and evenings is so beautiful it takes your breath away. Here are a few shots from the gardens at Cowlick Cottage Farm this evening. I hope you enjoy them! Cleyera adds fall color to the new border garden. Mustard, arugula,…

  • Morning Miracles

    Morning Miracles

    My garden astonishes me most during springtime. Vegetables seemingly appear overnight. Flowers dance in the breeze, and the bean vines scamper up their trellis so quickly you can almost watch them grow. Perfectly ripe strawberries are my breakfast, and the bees hum along with me. The scent of jasmine feels like a blessing. I realize that I…

  • A Walk on the Wild Side

    A Walk on the Wild Side

    While we mostly grow organic vegetables at Cowlick Cottage Farm, we try not to be one-dimensional. Knockout roses, daylillies, hydrangeas, jasmine, clematis and ginger all have a home here, too. They don’t get nearly as much attention as the tomatoes, okra and squash do, though. So when I plant flowers, they need to be able…

  • I Love Zinnias

    I Love Zinnias

    Since moving to Cowlick Cottage Farm almost five years ago, I have moved from a basic appreciation of manicured hedges and annual plantings of flower beds to a general obsession with growing fruits and vegetables that are not only great to look at, but also productive and edible. Once I saw the absolute beauty of…