Category: Uncategorized

  • Quick Garden Notes

    It has been a busy weekend at Cowlick Cottage.  Just a few quick notes: The fava bean and butternut squash seeds have popped up in the mini greenhouse.  I planted seeds for Asian Red Lettuce, arugula,  and five different types of tomato.  We got two new no-dig beds set in.  We trimmed back the Knockout Rose…

  • No-Dig Garden Beds

    No-Dig Garden Beds

    This weekend at Cowlick Cottage, we are building a couple of no-dig garden beds. These are pretty easy to do and pretty quick, too. We planted a test no-dig bed last fall, and it’s working really well. In fact, some of the gourmet garlic that I planted in the no-dig bed appears to be doing…

  • Start Seeding!

    Start Seeding!

    It is coming into seeding season here at Cowlick Cottage, which makes me very happy! There is such promise and excitement in poring through the seed catalogs, deciding what seeds to buy, waiting for them to arrive, planting them and waiting for them to miraculously burst through the surface of the soil into the light.…

  • Fall Crops

    October 17, 2009 by Carolyn I planted the following seeds, direct sowed into my raised beds.  It was a little early in the season to plant them, and the heat has slowed down their production a bit.  But now that it’s getting cooler, they are starting to take off! Purple Sprouting Broccoli Black Seeded Simpson…

  • NewLeaf Farm Tour Weekend

    October 27, 2009 by Carolyn This past weekend was New Leaf Market’s 2nd Annual North Florida/South Georgia Farm Tour weekend.  I was excited to see over 30 farms on the tour, everything from backyard gardens to full production organic cheese and dairy farms.  I was able to visit a goat and lamb ranch (, a…

  • Raised garden tips coming soon

    Raised garden tips coming soon

    Can’t wait to roll out the new garden techniques.

  • Hello world!

    Hello world!

    Welcome to Cowlick Cottage Farm!  We are happy to share our passion for organic vegetable gardening and to help you get started on your own garden.  You don’t need a lot of time, money or space to grow your own food!  Start small–a 4 x 4 raised bed is a great, fun and rewarding way to start. …