Category: Uncategorized

  • Chick Chat

    Chick Chat

    Our little flock of chickens has settled quite happily into the Coop de Grass that Eric built. We cannot believe how fast they are growing and how much they eat! In addition to chick feed, they love to eat the extras from the garden–strawberries, lettuce, cabbage, and kale, not to mention all the weeds in…

  • Serious Tomato Cages

    Serious Tomato Cages

    The big project of the weekend was building our tomato cages. Commercial tomato cages just aren’t strong enough to hold up an 8-foot tall heirloom tomato plant, which is what I am aiming for! Our wonderful neighbor gave us some leftover cow fence, and my hubby went to work. For each cage, he cut two eight-foot…

  • Shallots, Garlic and Potatoes

    Shallots, Garlic and Potatoes

    The garden is bursting with life. We harvested our shallots this weekend–a gorgeous crop of a couple of hundred shallots from one 4X4 raised bed. They are curing under the gazebo for a week, and then they will be ready to store. Of course, we’ve been eating them already, and I am wondering how I…

  • Spring in Full Swing

    Spring in Full Swing

      Cowlick Cottage Farm is a wonderful place to be at this time of year. The tender seedlings that we planted with care only weeks ago are full fledged, healthy plants, and we are enjoying the fruits of our labor. Literally. We have been picking several quarts of beautiful strawberries every couple of days. I have…

  • Quick Garden Notes

    Quick Garden Notes

    Greetings, Fellow Gardeners! Just some quick notes regarding our gardening activities for Easter weekend. What a beautiful time of year here in North Florida. Despite the clouds of pollen, we relished the opportunity to be outside in the beautiful, warm sunshine. The okra, soybeans, green beans, cukes and herbs that we recently planted are sprouting. It’s…

  • Is there anything more promising than a seed?

    Is there anything more promising than a seed?

    It amazes me that such a little tiny thing, with just a little dirt, water, warmth and sunshine, will eventually grow into something we can eat or admire for its beauty–or both! I planted a ton of seedlings and seeds this weekend. In one of the new long no dig beds, I planted half in…

  • First Spring Planting

    First Spring Planting

    It was the perfect week for planting here at Cowlick Cottage Farm. My dear friend, Susan, drove a few hundred miles from the mountains of Virginia to spend the week, give us a hand in the garden, and soak up a little Florida sunshine. We planted five different types of heirloom tomatoes, four types of squash—three…

  • Meet the Spice Girls!

    Meet the Spice Girls!

    We’ve been busy this week, and are pleased to introduce the newest members of our farm family, the Spice Girls! They are six-week old chickens raised by the kind and gentle folks at Heavenly Homestead in Monticello, and we are having a great time watching their antics as they work out their pecking order and…