Category: Uncategorized

  • 2010 Gourmet Garlic is Ready!

    2010 Gourmet Garlic is Ready!

    We are thrilled with our first harvest of  naturally grown gourmet garlic. It is now curing, which mellows the taste and improves its ability to last in storage–although we’re pretty sure it will be consumed pronto!  We have already been enjoying it immensely and are happy to offer limited quantities at our online store.  Order right here! Bon…

  • Garlic and Vampires, Oh My!

    Garlic and Vampires, Oh My!

    Memorial Day, and a long weekend that was long overdue. In all the hustle and bustle of working, running errands, and then coming home to work in the garden, our little cottage was in woeful need of a good cleaning. But first, a morning stroll through the garden, just to check on things. Is that the…

  • Easy, Breezy Refrigerator Pickles

    The first of the cucumbers was picked this morning, so we just HAD to make some pickles. I’ve made pickles for the past several years because my family demands them. They think about them in the middle of Winter and ask me if I’m planning to make them in the coming summer. So I do!…

  • The Garlic Is Almost Ready

    The Garlic Is Almost Ready

    The garlic is almost ready to harvest at Cowlick Cottage Farm! It is looking big, lush and healthy, and I can barely stop myself from pulling some out of the ground right now.  But it is not quite ready yet, and I must wait until the leaves begin to droop and yellow from the bottom of…

  • Putter


    Putter (from    Main Entry: 3put·ter    Pronunciation: \’pə-tər\    Function: intransitive verb    Date: 1858    1 : to move or act aimlessly or idly 2 : to work at random : tinker    — put·ter·er \-tər-ər\ noun    Last weekend I puttered around. As Webster so aptly defines, I moved and acted aimlessly or idly, I worked at random.…

  • Scenes from the Garden

    Scenes from the Garden

    I woke up early this morning, just as the sun was rising, and wandered through the garden with my camera and my coffee.   It is the most peaceful time of the day here at Cowlick Cottage.  It is cool, and the morning dew is still clinging to the leaves and the flower petals.  Beautiful.  I…

  • On Being Green

    On Being Green

    Not only do I have a wonderful husband whom I really enjoy and love, I also have three beautiful daughters.  They are the joy of my life, and they devastate me at the same time.  Each is so stunningly beautiful, so amazing, and so unique.  It is a privilege to raise children, and it is also…

  • The Shocking Truth About Nancy Pelosi

    The Shocking Truth About Nancy Pelosi

    (For those who might not remember, we wrote about our Nancy in a previous post, Meet the Spice Girls).  These days, we are almost accustomed to shocking news about politicians, rock stars, sports dudes, and other figures that we put on a pedestal.  Is there no end to the deception and duplicity?  To the scandals…