Category: Uncategorized

  • I Dig Figs

    I Dig Figs

    I was really happy this morning to find a generous handful of fresh figs ripe and ready for us to enjoy. Have you ever feasted upon a fresh fig? I must confess that I never had, until I picked the first one one from our own tree.  A fresh ripe fig tastes nothing like a…

  • Simple Tomato Sauce

    Simple Tomato Sauce

    I love to have homemade tomato sauce on hand in the kitchen. Then it’s easy to make a pasta dish, or season a soup, or top a fresh pizza. Shallots, herbs and garlic from the garden make this flavorful sauce extra special. Today I will use canned organic tomatoes, rather than fresh, just because I…

  • Fresh Georgia Peach Ice Cream

    A few weeks ago, I visited our local chicken farm, Heavenly Homestead.   We adopted our beautiful chickens, the Spice Girls, from there.  It’s a fun place to visit, with lots of chickens, of course, but also lots of cute children, a cow, a free-rooting pig, and numerous other interesting things to see.  The Harters raise some fine…

  • I Am Hot

    I Am Hot

    Summer is now upon us in the deep South, and I am hot. The dogs are hot, the chickens are hot, the plants are hot. Everything is a little wilted by noon, including me. This is not the easiest season to garden here. The heat saps your strength, and it is best to get up…

  • Father’s Day Dinner

    Not much time to write tonight, as I am busy making a special dinner for my hubby. We are feasting on Asian Grilled Salmon, asparagus sauteed in EVOO with our roasted garlic, and fresh mango salsa.   I hope there is some salsa left by the time I finish making it.  For dessert, which is a rarity for us, I…

  • Tomato Heaven

    Tomato Heaven

    The tomatoes are coming in fast and furious now and keeping up with the harvest is a challenge, but a very satisfying one! It breaks my heart to waste a good tomato. So the Spice Girls (our chickens) get the less than perfect ones, and they love them! I love not having to toss them…

  • Mid-June Harvest at Cowlick Cottage Farm

    It was a big harvest weekend at Cowlick Cottage Farm!  Here’s what went on! The heirloom tomatoes are coming on strong. They are a good nine feet tall now, and we are picking daily. I think there 40 tomatoes ripening on my counter. Come and get some maters! We are still picking green beans, but they have definitely…

  • Be An Activist

    Gardening makes you an activist. Really. The simple act of planting seeds and caring for your plants as they grow, harvesting the fruit of your labor, and then preparing it for your family is an act of independence. Gardening is an act of independence from big business that cares more about profits than it does…