Category: Family

  • The World Is My Oyster

    The World Is My Oyster

    Every now and then I take a journey from Cowlick Cottage Farm to the big city. I pack my bags and hop on a plane, leaving husband, dogs, chickens and garden behind.  I feel a little wistful and a little guilty, but I go anyway.  It’s good for me. Recently I had the opportunity to fly up…

  • Gardening Is Cheaper Than Therapy

    Gardening Is Cheaper Than Therapy

    Sometimes it seems like the whole world is going crazy, doesn’t it? We are overwhelmed with a constant stream of news about the oil spill, the economy, mad Mel and his baby mama drama, and so forth. Sometimes you just need to make it stop! You need some measure of control. You need a breath…

  • Father’s Day Dinner

    Not much time to write tonight, as I am busy making a special dinner for my hubby. We are feasting on Asian Grilled Salmon, asparagus sauteed in EVOO with our roasted garlic, and fresh mango salsa.   I hope there is some salsa left by the time I finish making it.  For dessert, which is a rarity for us, I…

  • Be An Activist

    Gardening makes you an activist. Really. The simple act of planting seeds and caring for your plants as they grow, harvesting the fruit of your labor, and then preparing it for your family is an act of independence. Gardening is an act of independence from big business that cares more about profits than it does…

  • On Being Green

    On Being Green

    Not only do I have a wonderful husband whom I really enjoy and love, I also have three beautiful daughters.  They are the joy of my life, and they devastate me at the same time.  Each is so stunningly beautiful, so amazing, and so unique.  It is a privilege to raise children, and it is also…