Category: Chickens

  • Meet a Few of My Buds!

    Meet a Few of My Buds!

    It is definitely an early spring at Cowlick Cottage Farm. This morning, I harvested the shallots that I planted last fall…a full month early. Those beautiful, pink orbs are taking a sunbath right now, drying out a bit.  Harvesting them is fun. Just take a trusty trowel and insert it deep under the entire shallot bunch.…

  • New Year, New Life

    New Year, New Life

    It is almost the New Year, and the winter garden is bursting with new life. It grows more slowly at this time of year, with its shorter days and very cold nights. We have had freezing temperatures for the last couple of weeks, but still the garden grows. Seed pods burst and spread their seeds,…

  • A Wok Garden

    A Wok Garden

    This week I received a very special gift from a virtual friend who shares my passions for fresh vegetables and cooking.  Her name is Eleanor Hoh, and she is a Wok Star!  Eleanor is an entrepreneur and teaches cooking classes based on “easy style” techniques using a wok and fresh vegetables.  She also sells really…

  • The Pleasures of Cold Weather

    The Pleasures of Cold Weather

    It is the first chilly weather we have had at Cowlick Cottage Farm this fall. Last night dropped down into the thirties, and Lulu, our little labradoodle, slipped into our bed and snuggled in the valley between us, stretched out full length, her fuzzy head on my shoulder. She snores. Outside, the hens huddled together…

  • Gardening Is Cheaper Than Therapy

    Gardening Is Cheaper Than Therapy

    Sometimes it seems like the whole world is going crazy, doesn’t it? We are overwhelmed with a constant stream of news about the oil spill, the economy, mad Mel and his baby mama drama, and so forth. Sometimes you just need to make it stop! You need some measure of control. You need a breath…

  • Hen Haiku

    Hen Haiku

    Thank you gracious hens For the gift of farm fresh eggs Gathered in July  

  • The Shocking Truth About Nancy Pelosi

    The Shocking Truth About Nancy Pelosi

    (For those who might not remember, we wrote about our Nancy in a previous post, Meet the Spice Girls).  These days, we are almost accustomed to shocking news about politicians, rock stars, sports dudes, and other figures that we put on a pedestal.  Is there no end to the deception and duplicity?  To the scandals…

  • Chick Chat

    Chick Chat

    Our little flock of chickens has settled quite happily into the Coop de Grass that Eric built. We cannot believe how fast they are growing and how much they eat! In addition to chick feed, they love to eat the extras from the garden–strawberries, lettuce, cabbage, and kale, not to mention all the weeds in…