Author: Carolyn Binder

  • It’s Time To Rum Ball!

    It’s Time To Rum Ball!

    My company hosts a really beautiful traditional holiday party in December. It couldn’t be more lovely, and it is a time when we celebrate and honor those who have performed exceptionally well through the year. We get dressed up, we dine, we dance, and everyone is on their Best Behavior. We tend to be pretty conservative. But I…

  • How to Forgive

    I visited my daughter and her family this afternoon. Quick visit. You know how it is—we’re all really busy with whatever the hell it is we think we need to do. Or we’re too exhausted from doing it to spend a little time visiting. Ryan is out front, building a radio on the back of…

  • Our Mediterranean Cooking Extravaganza, Part One

    Our Mediterranean Cooking Extravaganza, Part One

    August is not the best month for gardening here in north Florida. This weekend the temperatures are soaring into the triple digits. We let the garden go in August. It’s not intentional, but the heat and insects drive me inside in short order. I sneak out early in the morning just long enough to gather…

  • Quick and Easy Lemon Icebox Pie of Love

    Quick and Easy Lemon Icebox Pie of Love

    My husband has fond memories of his mamma’s cooking. For a while, Gigi even catered parties in Savannah, Georgia, and many of my family’s favorite recipes come from Gigi’s recipe files. By the time I came on the scene, she was more than willing to let me do much of the cooking, but she was…

  • Buttermilk Blueberry Muffins

    Buttermilk Blueberry Muffins

    Blueberries are in season. Hallelujah! I love blueberries, don’t you? I was going to post my recipe for Buttermilk Blueberry Muffins later on in the week. But they are so delicious and easy to make, that I thought you might want to make them for your family on Sunday morning. And yes, they do have…

  • Sweet Red Pepper and Onion Relish

    Sweet Red Pepper and Onion Relish

    At this time of year here in Florida, I love to spend sweltering Sunday afternoons in the kitchen, saving my tomatoes. This recipe is a knockoff of Harry and David’s  fame, and it is perfect for preserving the season’s best tomatoes, peppers and onions from the garden or farmers market. It takes some time to…

  • Last Call in Apalachicola

    Apalachicola. My daughter, Natalie, and I arrive late at the bar in the historic Gibson Inn. Late is relative in Apalachicola. It’s a fishing village, and if you rise at 5:30, you’re too late to haul in a good catch. As a result, by nine on Sunday, this village—famous for its seafood, especially its succulent…

  • Rethinking My Garden: Press Play

    Rethinking My Garden: Press Play

    You can’t stop the future You can’t rewind the past The only way to learn the secret …is to press play. ~Jay Asher For the last couple of years, the weather has thrown us the Polar Vortex, torrential spring rains, and unbearable heat during the summer months. What grew effortlessly a few years ago has…