Garden Walk at Cowlick Cottage Farm

Just a few shots of my garden walk this morning. Everything is in full bloom! I love this time of year.

Sunflower, Cowlick Cottage Farm

I’m growing lots of sunflowers from seed. They are mixed in among my veggies to attract pollinators. They also make a pretty, impromptu support for cucumbers and other vining veggies.

Proven Winners - Sweet Lifeberry™ - Goji Berry, Cowlick Cottage Farm

I’m very excited to be trialing this Proven Winners – Sweet Lifeberry™ – Goji Berry. It’s already filled with blooms and tiny berries. Goji berries have been grown in China for their health benefits for thousands of years.

Zinnia, Cowlick Cottage Farm

This pretty zinnia was grown from seed. I love their pop of color amidst all the green in the garden.

Zinnia, Cowlick Cottage Farm

If you are growing zinnias, make sure you cut them once or twice a week. It will help them to produce more blooms.

Zinnia, Cowlick Cottage Farm

I’ve been picking a couple of bouquets every weekend, and they last all week long.

Hydrangea, Cowlick Cottage Farm

I love our old hydrangeas. They are in full bloom right now!

Agapanthus, Cowlick Cottage Farm

Getting agapanthus to bloom can be a challenge. The trick is to crowd them together. They like to be close!

Thanks for joining me on my garden walk this morning!


8 responses to “Garden Walk at Cowlick Cottage Farm”

  1. Carolyn, thanks for letting us pin your beautiful sunflower image, at the top of this page, to the Home Depot Garden Club Pinterest board. We love the idea of planting for pollinators!

  2. Shelly Moran Avatar
    Shelly Moran

    I’ll take a stroll in your garden any time! Love it!

  3. Carol Yemola Avatar
    Carol Yemola

    I have to ask … do the cucumbers really vine up the sunflowers? If so, it would solve a lot of my space issues.

    1. So far they are! I’ll take some photos for you. My cukes are the bush variety, but they don’t know it! 😉

  4. Hi Carolyn,
    I just discovered your blog. Beautiful pictures. My wife and I have a lot in common with you. Your newest fan.

    1. Hi Leo! Welcome to Cowlick Cottage Farm! I hope you enjoy visiting and come back again. 🙂

  5. Mia Graves Avatar
    Mia Graves

    Very nice pictures! I especially like the last one. All the blooms looked like they were coming out of a mouth. I have never seen a flower like this before! Very cool.

    1. Hi Mia, I love agapanthus! It is one of my favorite summer blooms. The deep blue is just gorgeous in the garden.