A Very Special Delivery–Ayla Grace Flynt

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There’s been a whole lot going on in our lives lately. Mainly, we are so happy and excited to announce the special delivery of our first granddaughter, Ayla Grace Flynt. She is an impatient sort of girl (like her mother), so she decided to show up early…two months early. She’s been giving her mama and daddy fits even before her arrival, carrying on in the womb and such. Her mama has been in the hospital for six weeks, and her daddy (bless his heart) has been staying with her mama on a cot in the hospital every night. Tonight they finally got to go home and sleep in their own bed. Big brother Jacob has been staying with his Nonny during the week, and with us every weekend. He’s been a very good boy. I have learned a lot about dinosaurs and tractors and patience. He has learned a lot about weeding and picking beans and love. We’ve been talking about what it means to be a big brother. It’s what families are all about.

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So little Ayla has already turned our world upside down–all 2 pounds, 14 ounces of beautiful spitfire that she is. Her very feminine name means “halo of the moon” in one language and “oak tree” in another. I love that, don’t you? Light and ephemeral as a halo around the moon, strong and deep-rooted like the ancient live oaks that grace our family farms.

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These photos were taken the morning after she was born. That big green thing? It’s a regular-sized pacifier. Magdalen says Ayla’s head is the size of a sweet Georgia peach. Her foot is the size of her auntie’s thumb. Feisty little Ayla. She grips her daddy’s finger until her knuckles are white. She already fills his heart. And she has him and her papa wrapped around her tiny self, never mind her finger. She’ll be home before we know it.

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In the meantime, though, if you can keep Ayla in your prayers and higher thoughts, I know it will help keep her halo polished and her wings light!




8 responses to “A Very Special Delivery–Ayla Grace Flynt”

  1. Congratulations on a special little girl. Keeping her in my prayers.

    1. Thank you, Diane!

  2. Carolyn, she is beautiful. What stories you’ll have to share with her about being a little “troublemaker”! Our third child was much the same–I was in and out of the hospital, as he was quite impatient to join our family. (And by #3, after two easy pregnancies, this was so unexpected.) He arrived 5 weeks early, and today he’s a wild and crazy, soccer-playing, nature-obsessed, straight A, book-loving boy. Your family will look back on that tiny foot print with awe in a few years. It’s amazing how quickly they grow. Wishing your family much happiness with sweet Ayla.

    1. Thank you so much, Julie! We love to hear from families who have gone through similar experiences and can share encouragement and joy with us. Best to you and your family.


  3. Debra Kennedy Avatar
    Debra Kennedy

    Congrats to you and yours! Ayla is a beautiful name for a beautiful little one.

    1. Thank you, Debra!

  4. Kathy Linton Avatar
    Kathy Linton

    Heartfelt congratulations to Magdalen, her wonderful husband, Jacob and her awesome grandparents! Ayla is 2 lbs 14 ounces of gorgeousness that will undoubtedly live up to her name! Thoughts and prayers as she continues to grow and gain strength each day <3

    1. Thanks, Kathy! <3