December Morning In My Garden

It was nice to have a couple of hours to myself in the garden this morning—well, almost to myself. I did have a visit from my next door neighbor, Bella. She is so nosy!

I was surprised to see a fresh bloom on my climbing rose, New Dawn. Just planted in spring, this climber is already almost reaching the top of my nine-foot trellis. I can’t wait to see how it does next year.

It seems that the garden is getting in the Christmas spirit, decorating itself in red and green. These jalapenos remind me of old-fashioned Christmas lights.

Our bed of mixed greens is intensively planted and is one of our primary cool weather crops. We feast from it almost daily.  From soups to salads, pastas to stirfries, the greens go in almost everything. They are outrageously nutritious, and I always feel better when we’re including them in our meals.

The fava beans are blooming early this year, and I wonder if they are a harbinger of an early spring. I love their silvery leaves and elegant flowers. Fava beans are a beautiful plant to add to the winter garden, and the beans are a gourmet’s delight.

These beautiful mushrooms are growing on an old tree stump. I wish I knew if they were edible, because they look delicious. Anyone know a fungi expert?

This exotic calico vine, or Dutchman’s pipe, is new to the garden this fall. The delicate vine is scampering up our outdoor shower and adds a touch of tropical elegance.

The garlic that I planted a few weeks ago is up and reaching for the sun. It’s one of my favorite crops, and I plant 4 or 5 varieties every year. Garlic requires little care once it is planted. I like to feed it occasionally with a high-quality compost tea like Authentic Haven Brand Moo Poo Tea. I use this excellent tea in all of my gardens all year round to give my plants a boost of natural nutrients. The tiny leaves that you see sprouting beneath the garlic are a new crop of baby lettuces. I think the garlic helps to protect the lettuces from pests.

I harvested gorgeous White Globe turnips this morning that I will be using to make a creamy turnip gratin to go along with our Sunday roast. The rich gratin is made with cream, Gruyere cheese, and a little chicken broth in in my cast iron skillet and warmed in the oven until the turnips are tender and the cheese is bubbly and golden on top. Turnips are very simple to grow, and they are especially flavorful when cooked soon after they are harvested, although they keep well, too. Turnip greens are also delicious when sautéed in olive oil with a little fresh garlic.

Thank you for visiting my garden on this beautiful Sunday, and enjoy the holiday season!


11 responses to “December Morning In My Garden”

  1. I am so envious of your New Dawn! I planted three last spring, and I thought they were doing well getting three feet up! All I can do is tell myself yours were bigger to begin with…

    I safely discard all the mushrooms I find. I worry for my three boneheaded dogs eating them. Well, one isn’t a bonehead, but he might eat them anyway.

  2. Shelly Moran Avatar
    Shelly Moran

    Dear Carolyn, I was a thrilled winner of the Authentic Haven Brand Moo Poo bags this past summer. Unfortunately, as we all know, the summer’s heat and drought were brutal, even to container plants under my carport/veranda which I sometimes watered twice a day. When I began watering with the Moo Poo tea, they perked up and started to bloom again, and the Dallas fern really took off! Fortunately, the temps had cooled somewhat by that time, and I’m sure the combination of the “tea” and the lower temp really boosted the plants. Thank you for the wonderful prize.

    1. Dear Shelly, That is awesome to hear! Thanks so much for the update, and I am thrilled (but not surprised) that you are getting such great results with Moo Poo Tea. Happy holidays, and happy gardening to you!

  3. Love your garden! I was so excited to see your picture of fava beans – this will be my first year growing them. The variety I am trying (Sweet Lorane) is supposed to be very cold hardy – I’m trying to get a head start on spring by protecting them in low tunnels over the winter. Again, thanks for the tour!

    1. I love fava beans! I think you are doing the right thing giving them an early start in the garden. Let me know how they fare!

  4. Amanda Ruddell Avatar
    Amanda Ruddell

    Beautiful garden!
    I have the same mushrooms. I’m afraid that they may be armillaria tabescens (one of the honey mushrooms — some species are edible but can also be disagreeable). Let me know if someone gives you a definitive answer! The question has been on my mind for a couple of years…

    1. We’ll have to see if we can find someone that is knowledgeable about them, Amanda. I’ll check around!

  5. Wow! Your garden is amazing!! Fantastic post! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Anna!

  6. I always enjoy when you share your beautiful gardens I’m honored of course that you feed them Authentic Haven Brand natural nutrients Thank you Carolyn for growing green!

    1. Annie, I have learned so much about gardening and sustainability from you. Thanks for helping keep my gardens healthy with your Moo Poo Tea!