Green Giveaway: Kitchen Composting Made Easy

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As an organic gardener, I know that kitchen composting is a really good thing to do, both for the environment and for my garden. But it can be messy, smelly and just too complicated. So I admit, until recently most of my veggie cuttings, coffee grounds, bits of paper and eggshells went in the disposal or the trash. Not good!

So when I was contacted by Full Circle and asked to give their indoor kitchen composter a try, I was interested. I have tried indoor composters in the past, and they always ended up being too messy for me. Many require filter changes and do not have handy compostable bags to make the job easy. I was excited when I received my Full Circle Odor Free Kitchen Compost Collector. It takes two seconds to set up—all you need to do is attach the compostable bag. The design is attractive enough to leave out, and I love the push button top for the lid. In fact last night when I was preparing dinner, I peeled my carrots and other veggies directly into the compost collector. How simple is that? I also love that it is odor and bug free—an outstanding design.

Once the Full Circle Odor Free Kitchen Compost Collector is full, all you do is take the bag out, dump it in your compost pile and attach a new bag. Not only do you cut down on smelly trash, but your garden will benefit from some of the most nutrient-rich compost ingredients available. A win-win!

Would you like to give kitchen composting a try? I’d like to help you, and along with Full Circle, I am giving away a free Full Circle Odor Free Kitchen Compost Collector. How cool is that? All you need to do to enter is to leave me a comment about what you are doing in your home or garden to be more green, then subscribe to my e-mail list ( Email Sign Up Link). If you are already a subscriber and would like to enter this contest, just leave me a comment. The random winner will be announced on Friday, August 17. Please share this contest with your gardening and foodie friends!

When you have a minute, pop over and check out Full Circle’s cool product line, and please like them on Facebook and Twitter . I love their stylish organic kitchen tools!

DISCLOSURE: I received a free kitchen composter from Full Circle to test and Full Circle is providing an additional composter for me to give away. All opinions are my own.


58 responses to “Green Giveaway: Kitchen Composting Made Easy”

  1. A very interesting article on kitchen composting.

  2. Here in the Bay of Plenty i have a huge compost bin that is overflowing – but I dont have any room for another one. How do you get it to compost faster?

    1. Hi Ken – Just be patient! Are you turning over your compost? I think that helps. Give it a good turn every now and then, and don’t be afraid to dig out the good stuff at the bottom of the pile.

  3. You haven’t said the capacity of this thing, and neither does their website. Is it one gallon? Two? I want one big enough to avoid making frequent trips outside. Also, their bags are out of stock, and if that’s a common thing, this is not the container I want.

  4. i have a raised garden bed and need to refresh it with great compost. this would definitely help me be more consistent with that.

  5. I just bought one of these. Looks great on my kitchen counter. Could not remember where I first learned about this one. Thank you for introducing me to this product.

    1. Jeavonna, let me know how it works for you!

  6. myna lee johnstone Avatar
    myna lee johnstone

    i quit driving and take transit plus cycle and i am using cover cropping this year in garden for green manure

  7. Lovely post great product to help get folks composting

  8. Just discovered your site while doing research on fall gardens. We just started our own compost bin. Right now I am just throwing all my kitchen waste in a bucket under the sink, but it would be great to have one of these!

    1. Hi Lisa – I’m glad you discovered CCF while doing your research. A kitchen composter would definitely be an upgrade for you. Thanks for visiting and good luck with the contest and your fall garden!

  9. Jennie Brooks Avatar
    Jennie Brooks

    I have an outdoor composter but have recently been shy of taking things out to it bc of the mosquitoes. I came down with West Nile Virus 3 weeks ago and am a little scared of what might happen if i get bitten by an infected mosquito again. SO the kitchen composter would be ideal for me. thanks for a great giveaway.

    1. Oh no, Jennie! I hope you are feeling okay. That sounds scary. Take care of yourself!


  10. Gnats are the big issue with collecting kitchen scraps, so the bug free aspect is appealing. I’ve got quite a pile of compost going but haven’t yet addressed the challenge of doing anything with it. The really fun ‘green’ thing I’m doing now is I’ve just hatched a couple hundred praying mantids! They’re cute little buggers and they will soon have, for the most part, rid my garden of pesky pests…I hope.


    1. Hi Wayne – Wow, you’re raising Praying Mantids? Fascinating. You’ll have to keep us posted on how it goes. 🙂

  11. I’d love to give this a try! I’ve been composting for years, but have been dissatisfied with containers for kitchen scraps. As for what I’m doing to make my garden greener, I’m harvesting rainwater and converting to a completely xeric landscape. Water and the lack of it are the big environmental issues in my region.

    1. Water seems to be a challenge in much of the country this year. I think we’re going to all be challenged to adjust to changing climactic conditions and learning how to garden with these changes. Kudos to you for recognizing this early on. Kitchen composting is a challenge, too, isn’t it? This is my favorite composter for the kitchen. Good luck in the contest! Thanks for visiting.

  12. Sounds like something fun to own.

    1. Hi Dee – It’s fun and useful!

  13. Every week my neighbor throws away his grass clippings. I know. There are ppl that still do that. So, every week, I rescue his grass clippings and add them to my compost pile.

    1. You sneaky gardener, you! 🙂

  14. Nanette Schimpf Avatar
    Nanette Schimpf

    Very cool concept! We have been wanting to compost, but unsure how. As always, your blog has brought a wealth of information and a simple, respectable solution. Thank you!

    We are researching a small, organic hydroponic greenhouse, which apparently is not a common thing to find in Tallahassee. We will be consuming and selling more fruits and vegetables, and look forward to learning more about this composter. Thank you for sharing your expertise!

    1. Hi Nanette! I recognize your last name. 🙂 It sounds like you have an interesting project in the works. Have you investigated the New Leaf Market Farm Tour? You might find some interesting local farms to tour that can inspire your project. It’s amazing what’s going on in our area. I think there are going to be at least 30 farms in the tour this year. Send me a note if you’re interested, and I’ll send you some additional information.


  15. Jan Haynes Avatar
    Jan Haynes

    I always dry my eggshells in the oven and add to my flowerbeds. My Mom always did this, so good enough for me!

    1. Great idea. The calcium from the eggshells may help to encourage strong blooms and discourage blossom end rot.

  16. Carolyn – I am crazy about composting, gardening and anything :”green” and our North Berkeley home is full of terraced veggie beds (converted from English Ivy that ringed the house) and two large compost bins near the beds. Our small 6′ x 8′ greenhouse has had quite an affect on me and our neighborhood. And yes, the worm bin, I give them kitchen scraps when I am not adding them to the compost outside and they love it. Love you site and blog! @zebragreens

    1. Charlie – Wow. It sounds like you have an amazing garden growing. I just followed you on FB, so I hope to see some photos. Thanks for visiting!

  17. Awesome! I am already an email subscriber. I compost, but I struggle with finding a container to have in my kitchen to collect it all in! I live in the mountains of Colorado, and our soil is clay, so it needs all the help it can get! 🙂

    1. Hi Jane – I had the same problem with kitchen composting, but I think it’s resolved, now. The Full Circle Home composter is great! It’s amazing how many scraps one produces in the kitchen in just one day, and I’m happy to be composting that stuff now. Clay soils really benefit form the addition of composting (as do all soils) so it’s a huge plus to figure out how to get the kitchen scraps into the compost pile.

  18. We use a plain old bucket with a lid and it starts to smell very quickly. Constantly running outside to dump the contents into the compost heap.

    1. Agreed! It’s well worth the small investment to have a real kitchen composter, but even better if you win one! Thanks for visiting.

  19. Shelly Moran Avatar
    Shelly Moran

    For many years, I’ve collected kitchen veggie and fruit waste in a ceramic compost container which has a charcoal filter in the lid to prevent bad smells. After having to wash it out numerous times, I started using thin plastic bags to line the container (the ones that grocery stores provide to bring produce home from the store). When I empty the filled bag into my compost container outdoors, I throw away the soiled bag, so I am reusing it, rather than throwing it away after first use. I’ve enriched the soil in flower beds and garden with my compost. It’s the best way to go and provides for the earthworms. They seem to gravitate toward the areas that have the compost in them.

    1. Shelly – Kudos to you for making the effort to use your kitchen scraps. It really is worth the effort for the payback you get in the garden, isn’t it?

  20. I have always wanted to compost as we recycle 90% of all our waste, however, without a garbage disposal the remaining 10% gets thrown away. This would be a perfect start for me as I am trying to reduce our “footprint” daily! Thank you so much for this offer to help us all become more eco friendly!

    1. Kelly – It’s really impressive that you recycle 90% of all your waste. That takes some planning and dedication. Thank you for sharing.

  21. rosemarie culver Avatar
    rosemarie culver

    Sounds wonderful. I would love to have one. How nice of Full Circle to give one away.

    1. I agree! It’s very nice of Full Circle to sponsor this giveaway.

  22. I have been collecting our kitchen scraps in a small counter-top composter but it has lots of gaps along the lid that don’t keep out the little flies. This looks like a sturdier design. Love being able to use recyclable bags!

    1. Hi Mia! I love not having the little fruit flies bother me, and the recyclable bags are just great!

  23. I have tried a kitchen scrap collector before and found it to be extremely unattractive and messy. It has caused me to be less regular about collecting my scraps. I would love to be able to try this one out because I do really think that composting is extremely important in so many ways.

    1. Hi Alisa – I agree with you 100%. I’ve tried a few other composters, too, and I give up when it gets messy and annoying. It’s nice to see companies working to make better products to help us with recycling and composting.

  24. Kathi Morgan Avatar
    Kathi Morgan

    Currently i save egg shells, crush them and put them in my garden. I have expanded my vegetable garden and am raising more food for us. A kitchen composter would be perfect. haven’t been able to make or afford a big composter. You have a great idea for a give away!!!

    1. Thanks, Kathi. Even a little composter makes a big difference in the garden.

  25. We recycle but I would love to compost!!!

    1. Good for you on the recycling, Manda, and if you garden, I encourage you to start composting!

  26. This would be a great way to start composting. I have avoided doing it because of the smell and bugs. Any thing to help my garden would be appreciated!

  27. LaJuana Dunn Avatar
    LaJuana Dunn

    I generally freeze my kitchen scraps before composting them outside so I don’t have to make multiple trips to the yard throughout the day. I have a compost bin outside and am in the process of turning and old raised bed which has become shaded, into a worm filled compost bed.

    1. It’s interesting to see that peeps are so into vermiculture. I need to learn more about it and get started. Thanks for the freezer tip, LaJuana!

  28. I collect my kitchen scraps in a bowl and have wanted a kitchen composter for some time now. This is a giveaway that is right up my alley!!

    1. This composter is so much nicer than a bowl, Meghan, but kudos to you for saving your scraps! Thanks for entering our contest. Good luck!

  29. I would love to use this in the kitchen. I have a worm farm and a large composter in the yard to help use up all my recyclable scraps. This item would help especially when I can’t get out to the composter in the yard.

    1. Dona Maria – It sounds like you are well on your way to building some great compost for your garden. Good luck in the contest, and thanks for entering!

  30. Pat Vasil Avatar
    Pat Vasil

    We are trying to be green – this would be a great advantage in starting a compost pile. We have built a home in PA and live close to the woods – a great place to start a compost pile.

    1. Pat – The best thing you can do for your garden is to get a compost pile started. Congrats on your new home, and good luck with your new garden.

  31. I love to use my kitchen scraps to improve my soil. Living in South Florida our sugar sand soils have very little organic matter. I always like to bury scraps around new trees and shrubs. I also started burying scraps in my large potted veggies. Utilizing a composter would discourage critters from digging up my buried treasure. I like to share my experiences on my garden videos and blog and Miami Garden Reporting. (Links in website) Great blog Carolyn!

    1. Hi Robert! I enjoy following your blog as well. Adding compost to sandy soil is a great way to add nutrients and build your soil. Thanks for visiting, and good luck in the contest!

  32. Jeavonna Chapman Avatar
    Jeavonna Chapman

    This would be a great addition to my worm bin. I haven’t mastered collecting the scraps before I feed them to the worms. I’ve been looking for something to collect the scraps in – something that doesn’t habor flies and creepy crawlies. Love the design.

    1. This would definitely help you gather the scraps for your worm bin, Jeavonna. I want to start one of those, too. Waiting for cooler weather…