A Garden Giveaway!

Cowlick Cottage Farm Harvest

It is midsummer, and my garden is definitely in need of a refresh. The heat and humidity have taken their toll on the spring plantings, and I spent the morning guerilla gardening. I pulled weeds—a ton of weeds—and cut back overgrown plants. I harvested at least 70 pounds of pumpkins that were ripe on the vine. By Noon, I had to come into the cottage to cool down, and the pups gladly joined me for a nap in front of the fan. Later on this evening, I will go back outside with a refreshing beverage, and I’ll spray the garden down with a refreshing garden beverage—Authentic Haven Brand Moo Poo Tea.

Moo Poo Tea is produced on a beautiful organic ranch in California that belongs to my friend, Annie Haven. Her family has been caring for the land for generations. I love this product because I know it’s totally organic and of the highest quality. I also love the way Annie packages it, in  pretty muslin tea bags that are just the right size to brew up a perfectly balanced compost tea of anywhere from one to five gallons. I brew mine directly in my sprayer, so making it and applying it couldn’t be more simple. I swear the garden perks up almost immediately when I apply the tea.

Want to give Moo Poo Tea a try in your garden? Well, just because I care about your and your garden, I’m giving away a 3-pack of Moo Poo Tea. Just subscribe to my e-mail list to enter the giveaway ( Email Sign Up Link), and my husband will randomly select a winner. We’ll announce the winner later on this week.

You can read more about the benefits of Moo Poo Tea and order some for your garden at Annie’s web site, and you can read my article about the history of Haven ranch in GrowWrite magazine.

Heirloom Tomatoes on the Vine


10 responses to “A Garden Giveaway!”

  1. I am entering the giveaway too! I already follow you (smile).

    My garden is finished for the summer. The rain from TS debby, the heat and humidity it has done me in just until Fall.


    1. Velva – the heat and humidity has done me in, too. At least for a few weeks. But then I’ll be planting for fall!

  2. Carolyn, I too, have ripe pumpkins already- how are you going to keep them until October + November? On newspapers in the basement? On cement in the garage? etc. thanks, geri

    1. Hi Geri,

      My pumpkins are actually Seminole squash. They are excellent keepers, and I had no problem just storing them on a shelf in a cool, dark area for most of the winter last year. I do give them a good wash with a very light bleach solution (just a splash to a gallon of water) to help prevent any fungal or bacterial growth.

  3. Michele Avatar

    This is a great informative site! Love it!

    1. I’m glad you’re enjoying it, Michele. Thanks for visiting!

  4. Thank you Carolyn I’m honored to be a part of your growing routine naturally!

    1. Thank you for making a great quality product, Annie!

  5. Chloe River Peart Avatar
    Chloe River Peart

    Please enter me in your Giveaway
    Featuring the Famous ( but never tried by Me )
    “Moo Poo Tea “!! Thank you kindly!

    1. Chloe, you need to sign up for the e-mail link (it’s in the article and at the top of the page) in order to enter the giveaway. Good luck!