Fried Okra Recipe, Cowlick Cottage Farm

At this time of year, the okra is taller than I am, and I have to stand on tiptoe to harvest the tender pods that dance at the top of the branches. The okra pods grow so quickly that they need to be harvested daily. I like to pick the pods when they are small and tender. One way we love okra is to pickle it with dill and jalapeno. Our other favorite way of preparing okra is the all-time classic, fried okra. Don’t skip the buttermilk bath – it’s the secret to fried okra perfection. We love to dip it in homemade buttermilk ranch dressing. Because you only live once. Enjoy!

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  • 1 pound fresh okra pods, washed, dried and sliced into 1/4 inch rounds
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • ¼ cup buttermilk
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup cornmeal
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon Cayenne pepper
  • 1 dash black pepper
  • 3 cups vegetable oil for frying


Combine eggs and buttermilk in a bowl; add okra, and let stand for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, combine flour, cornmeal, baking powder, salt and pepper. Drain okra, and then dredge okra in flour mixture. Pour oil to depth of 2 to 3 inches in a cast-iron skillet and heat to 375 degrees F. Fry okra until golden brown. Drain on paper towels and serve immediately.


12 responses to “Classic Fried Okra”

  1. I just had breakfast but now I’m hungry for fried okra. Thanks for the recipe. I grew up eating this every Sunday after church. My Aunt Nettie couldn’t make fried chicken without adding fried okra to the last remaining grease.

    1. Lucky you! Fried okra is one of those things you crave after awhile…

  2. I grew okra as a kid when a red stem was all the rage. I had a mediocre harvest lust enough for a big pot of gumbo. Had a ball. very rewarding.

    1. Okra grows like weeds here. Lucky us! I’m glad you had enough to make a batch of gumbo. Yum!

  3. I am growing okra for the first time this season. So far I picked one gigantic one (sigh) and one perfect size. I am waiting for the quantity to arrive. I love them pickled too.

    I think fried okra would be a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing the idea.


    1. Velva – What variety are you growing? Make sure you pick it frequently, as that helps it to produce more.

  4. okra is good for you and they’re also rich in fiber. Most of people don’t like okra due to their slime. are they still slimy after we fry them ?

    1. No fried okra is not slimy at all. Good stuff!

      1. You’re right, Geni. Fried okra is not slimy at all, especially if you pick the pods while they are young and tender. The buttermilk bath helps, too.

    2. Okra is very good for you! Fried okra is not slimy. And the “slime” can actually be used to your advantage while cooking. It’s a natural thickener and is excellent to use in soups and stews to give the liquid a little body and substance. I have learned to love that quality!

  5. A southern favorite.. Never visited my grandmother that she didn’t “fix” some fried okra….. Yum!

    1. I agree, Chris! How lucky you are that you had a grandmother that knew how to “fix” some fried okra!