A Walk on the Wild Side

While we mostly grow organic vegetables at Cowlick Cottage Farm, we try not to be one-dimensional. Knockout roses, daylillies, hydrangeas, jasmine, clematis and ginger all have a home here, too. They don’t get nearly as much attention as the tomatoes, okra and squash do, though. So when I plant flowers, they need to be able to hold their own against our summer stresses…heat, drought, heavy rains, and humidity. Sometimes all at once. Just taking care of the veggies keeps me busy during gardening season.

This summer, though, I am experimenting with a wildflower border. I spent about ten dollars to buy a giant bag of mixed seeds. My gardening hubby was sweet enough to till up a 60-foot border between our driveway and the fence. Then he installed sprinkler heads along the back of the border, using some old plumbing stuff we had stored in the shed. Voila. A ten dollar border garden!

There is only one, little problem. I foolishly threw away the seed bag that identified all the different flowers in the mix! And now I want to know their names. Because they are so beautiful, and they are doing a wonderful job of attracting lots of beneficial insects to the farm. Are you a wildflower expert? Can you help me identify these flowers?

Wildflower I

This fuschia beauty pops against the green vegetation.
Wildflower II

And this ruffly yellow beauty looks like some type of marigold, but it’s growing much larger than any I’ve seen.

Wildflower III

I think this might be a variety of coreopsis. I love the deeper pink centers.

Wildflower IV

Judging from the coloration of this wildflower, I think it came from the campus at FSU.

Wildflower V

I love this spontaneous combination of deep pink, blue and white. The tiny white flowers are baby’s breath, but I don’t know the others.

Wildflower VI

Ain’t she purty? Do you think this is a poppy? I hope so!

Wildflower VII

Another lovely. What’s her name?

The wildflower border requires no care other than an occasional watering. It is so thickly planted, there are few weeds, and I just let them be. I love the impressionist look the border is starting to have from across the lawn, but it’s not blooming enough yet to photograph if from afar. I hope you enjoyed the closeups.


8 responses to “A Walk on the Wild Side”

  1. Andrea Avatar

    I’m not help with the flowers I’m afraid the only one I know is the bachelor button, but GOOO Noles! 🙂

  2. Sandy W. Avatar
    Sandy W.

    Wildflower I = phlox
    Wildflower II = marigold
    Wildflower III = cosmos
    Wildflower IV = plains coriopsis
    Wildflower V = Cornflower blue, sweet alyssum, and the pink one might be another phlox bloom
    Wildflower VI = poppy
    Wildflower VII = guessing sweet william?

  3. Is the pinky-red one some sort of wild phlox?

  4. I thought the blue one (#5) could be the cornflower, but I am no expert on wild flowers. They are beautiful, though, even nameless:)

    1. Hmmm, cornflower is a good possibility, Lana. I’ll have to do a little investigation.

  5. jersey lady Avatar
    jersey lady

    Hi, #2 is indeed a giant marigold. #5-the blue one is a bachelor button.This is our second year with our wildflower beds. We are very pleased too.Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Jersey Lady! I thought it might be a bachelor button. So pretty. Enjoy your wildflowers, too.