Garden Dinner

Early Spring Dinner

It is truly a joy to come home from work and pick our dinner from the garden. I have not had a chance to check the garden for a few days, so I was delighted to find several pounds of green beans ready to pick. Along with the green bean, we harvested beautiful pattypan squash, spring garlic, green tomatoes, basil tips, and thyme. I quickly stirfried it, and just topped it with a dollop of local goat cheese. It was a healthy and amazingly flavorful dinner that we all enjoyed. No meat needed. Delicious perfection from the garden!


5 responses to “Garden Dinner”

  1. sandra convery Avatar
    sandra convery

    how good is chicken and duck poo for veg patch?

    1. Both are good for your garden. Just make sure to let them age well!

  2. sandra convery Avatar
    sandra convery

    the most delicious food you could ever eat a real treat pick from my garden and eatin in a hr the goodness vitimans freshness all there for the price of one pkt seeds no pesticides and fed all summer /winter

  3. WOOT what a wonderful bounty to behold : ) Yummy #freshfood

    1. We love eating fresh food from the garden! Delicious and healthy!