It took me several years of gardening to fully appreciate just how important healthy soil is. But when I began growing food for my family, I embraced organic methods. Why go through all the effort to grow your own food if you are just going to spray it with the same chemicals the commercial farmers use? And why expose yourself to those chemicals while you’re supposed to be out enjoying nature?

When I began organic gardening, I really did not expect to harvest the same yields that I would obtain from using chemicals. Boy, was I wrong! It took awhile to learn about organic gardening methods, and I’m still learning, but once I began to regularly amend my soil with natural, healthy matter such as compost, worm castings, and aged manures, the garden responded with generosity. I rarely have problems with disease or fungus. My plants tolerate heat better, and my yields feed my family and friends very well! Most nights after work, we throw something on the grill, stroll out to the garden and pick our dinner!

In addition to amending my soil, I regularly feed my plants and with natural teas made from compost, worm castings, or fish emulsions. This season, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to try out Haven Brand Moo Poo Teas.  Annie Haven and I are Twitter friends (follow her on @GreenSoil and me on @CowlickCottage–we’ll introduce you to tons of Twitter gardeners!), and she comes from a family of ranchers that raise grass-fed beef. I think it’s brilliant that they use the Moo Poo to create fabulous organic fertilizers. When Annie sent me a trio of teas, I was delighted with its neat, environmentally friendly and very pretty packaging.  The reusable fabric tea bags make it a breeze to make a big, 5 gallon bucket of garden goodness. A couple of weeks ago, I used the alfalfa tea on my roses, and the Moo Poo tea on my vegetables and container plants. Here’s a peak at the results from the first tea party of the season!

Bean Bed

My green bean bed is blanketed with growth and buds and baby beans. We’ll begin harvesting them in a week or so. The sweet green beans are so crunchy and delicious that even our doggies sneak them right off the vine for a treat. This 4 X 8 raised bed will provide us with more than enough green beans to eat, share, and freeze. There are two different varieties of green beans planted in this bed that will ripen a few weeks apart, extending our harvesting season.

Three Sisters

The Three Sisters are a classic example of companion planting that dates back to the Native Americans. There is a wonderful spiritual component to them as well.  The combination of corn, pole beans, and squash not only provides nearly complete nutritional sustenance, but the plants actually work together and help each other. The oldest sister, the corn, is planted first and allowed to get about a foot tall. Then the middle sister, the pole beans, are planted around the corn, which provides the pole beans with a stock to scamper up. The pole beans are rich in nitrogen and feed the soil, and as they wind around the corn, they provide it with extra support as it grows taller. The youngest sister is the squash. She dances around the beans and the corn and blankets the soil with her leaves and flowers, helping to keep the soil cool and free of weeds. As you can see, like most sisters, they can be a bit unruly and wild! I plant the Three Sisters in honor of our three daughters, who share a similar relationship of love and support with one another.


My herbs just love the Moo Poo tea. This tarragon ball is at least two feet around, after a good trimming. If you are just starting to garden, or don’t have much room, try a few herbs. Fresh herbs will change your cooking for the better!

Gorgeous Tomatoes

While we grow mostly heirloom tomatoes, this is a little hybrid named Totem. It was so cute, I just had to buy a couple and plant them to see what they do. They are totally covered with tomatoes…I think there are more ‘maters than leaves!  We will enjoy them before our heirlooms are ripe and ready.

Coral Geranium, Pink Muhly Grass, Sweet Potato Vine

I can honestly say that I’ve never had such beautiful, healthy container gardens before, and I especially love this elegant combination of coral geraniums, pink muhly grass, and sweet potato vine. Use really good quality potting soil, drench regularly, and feed your container gardens with natural teas like Moo Poo. The results are delightful!

Amazing, Rich New Rose Growth

We have about 30 Knockout roses along the back border of our property, and they had already bloomed this spring and were just kind of hanging out, looking a little weary and kind of gangly. Two weeks ago, I drenched them with Alfalfa tea, and last weekend each plant got a half-cup of Epsom salts soaked in around its roots. Kind of like a spa party for roses! They are now covered with beautiful new growth and starting to bud again. The rose border will be stunning in a few weeks.

Petunia, Euphorbia, Sweet Potato Vine

This container is an example of what you get when you mix Proven Winners plants with Moo Poo tea! I fell in love with this gorgeous petunia, called Pretty Much Picasso, at the Proven Winners Outdoor Living Extravaganza this spring and bought two little plants. They are the most productive and easiest petunias I’ve ever grown. Gorgeous and extremely healthy. Regular tea parties will help to keep my little petunias blooming like crazy!

I hope you’re encouraged to try using easy and healthy organic methods and products in your own garden.  And while I am recommending a couple of my personally favorite products, I have not been compensated to brag about them, and my comments are soley based upon my own experience.


21 responses to “Moo Poo U”

  1. Carolyn, The pole beans bring back happy childhood memories of stealing pole beans right from the garden for a snack.. then back to playing outdoors! (Mom no wiser, LOL)

    1. I love bringing back happy childhood memories. Our dogs love to steal green beans, and tomatoes, too! My grandson loves to steal the strawberries best of all.

  2. Wow! WHen you mix already “proven winners” with MooPoo, the results are awesome!

  3. Sissy (AKA: The Corn) Avatar
    Sissy (AKA: The Corn)

    Dearest Mummy,

    Thank you for being so special and for consistently providing me with misty eyes, a busy mind, a full belly, and a happy heart.

    I loved the Three Sisters excerpt and think it describes us girls to a “T”. I wasn’t sure how I’d like being a corn, but it’s starting to *GROW* on me… Ok, that’s my shameless humor for the day.

    Love you to pieces,

    1. That was pretty corny! Love you. 🙂

  4. Excellent report and beautiful pictures. Made my first moo poo purchase today. 🙂

    1. Yay! Let me know how it grows! I don’t think you’ll be disappointed, Teresa. Are you on #gardenchat?

  5. I can’t wait to use moo poo on my tomatoes this summer! 🙂

    1. They will love it, Nicky!

  6. Danielle Avatar


    Your Supertunia Pretty Much Picasso looks absolutely amazing!! That Moo Poo really does the trick. I will be using it this year in my garden is well. The weather is just warming up here to be able to get outside and grow something. Happy Gardening!!


    1. Happy gardening, Danielle! Glad you joined us tonight!

  7. This is your garden NOW? Amazing..really? This was the first weekend it was safe to plant in Denver but I too often jump the gun and then end up having to cover everything so I’m waiting another week.

    BEAUTIFUL. Amazingly so.

    1. Thanks, Barbara–that means a lot coming from you! It really, really is my garden now! 🙂

  8. What a wonderful garden you have!! Thank you for sharing it.

    1. Thank you so much, Susan. Have a beautiful day!

  9. This is wonderful Carolyn : I’m a Moo-Poo user too! I know you are going to love all these wonderful treats from your natural garden. Happy Growing!

    1. Hi Bren! Happy Mother’s Day to you. I hope you get to spend the day in your garden!

  10. I could not be happier, growing in the garden with you makes my day : ) My family has always believed it is All about the Soil. I am honored to be continuing the Haven Family legacy and sharing it with you! Annie

    1. Thank you so much, Annie! You should be proud of the wonderful things you and your family do for so many gardeners!

  11. Carolyn, how beautiful! Of course I clicked your NEW POST notice but got distracted by raised beds on your left sidebar. The Bean Bed is so happy and healthy!

    We (Asians) eat a lot of tender greens: beans and sweet potato vine included. Thank you for this post. A timely reminder that I should plant more.

    1. Hi Pet! I love green beans stirfried with garlic and soy and sesame oil. Yum. How do you prepare the sweet potato vine?