It is definitely an early spring at Cowlick Cottage Farm. This morning, I harvested the shallots that I planted last fall…a full month early. Those beautiful, pink orbs are taking a sunbath right now, drying out a bit.  Harvesting them is fun. Just take a trusty trowel and insert it deep under the entire shallot bunch. Then pop them out. Be careful not to damage the beautiful shallots! I’m going to make a shallot and lemon thyme vinaigrette to celebrate the harvest tonight. I love shallots, and the homegrown ones are ever so much more flavorful than what is available at the market (if you can even find them).

Shallots ready for harvest

A spectacular shallot harvest!

Before the shallot harvest, I took my customary morning stroll through the garden, camera and coffee in hand. Everything is coming up roses!  Take a look at some of my buds.

Baby Sungold Nectarine

This is our one-and-only nectarine from our brand new tree. I treasure it and check on it every day. We planted lots of fruit trees this year–a whole little grove, including Sungold nectarine, Satsuma, Ponderosa lemon, Meyer lemon, Key lime, and Pummelo. We already have Shinseiki pear, Alma and Celeste figs, and Flordahome peach trees in their second year. I’m not expecting too much fruit from them this year. They are an investment in the future.  As the saying goes, the best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The next best time is today!

The first tomato!

We have planted several varieties of tomatoes, mostly heirlooms. This is a little hybrid tomato called Totem. It is already loaded with fruit and will definitely be the first of the tomato harvest this year. I’ll probably dress it simply with Balsamic vinegar, olive oil, and sea salt. And a bit of fresh goat cheese and herbs. Can’t wait! We are also growing Black Cherry, Purple Cherokee, San Marzano, Homestead, and a few others. Tomatoes are like shoes…you cannot have too many!

Squash blossom

We also planted many varieties of squash…more than ever this year. There is butternut squash from our own saved seed, several varieties of heirloom pattypans, old-fashioned sugar pumpkins, and an heirloom lemon squash. We love them all!

Baby Huey and Ginger

Our chickens, the Spice Girls, are always nosy and curious about what we are doing. We get beautiful eggs from them every day, and we reciprocate with fresh treats from the garden. They devour everything from cabbage to strawberries and herbs.

Spice Girl Eggs – Fresh Daily!

We had an abundance of eggs this week, so I used the gorgeous, rich yolks to make vanilla custard ice cream. With real vanilla bean and organic cream. Decadent. Topped with barely whipped, rum-scented heavy cream. Because I’m just a little naughty!

Yolks for Vanilla Custard Ice Cream

And if that is not naughty enough for you, I am also harvesting strawberries, and it’s been a fantastic season for them. Deep red, large, and juicy, they are Jacob’s favorite. I’m preserving some today by making old-fashioned strawberry sauce…to crown the homemade ice cream. Ta-da!

Camarosa Strawberries

On the ornamental side of things, the roses are amazing this year. Their color is incredibly vibrant. In my almost-wild side border, heaven-scented honeysuckle is clambering through the pink roses. Their sultry scents are heady and intoxicating.

Rose and Honeysuckle

Coral geraniums are planted in our huge patio pots, along with sweet potato vine and ornamental red grasses. They should be gorgeous in a month or two!

Coral Geranium

And a big pot of Proven Winners Pretty Much Picasso petunias with sweet potato vine and Euphorbia greets family and friends at the back door.

Pretty Much Picasso and Euphorbia

Gardening is rewarding in so many ways. It feeds our senses, reconnects us to nature, and makes our spirits sing!  Gardens give us hope. Are you experiencing an early spring this year? What do you dream of growing?


28 responses to “Meet a Few of My Buds!”

  1. elizabeth Avatar

    I’ll give them a try this Spring and then try planting Fall with the garlic. Thanks.

  2. elizabeth Avatar

    I live in Montana, is it fine to plant shallot sets in the Spring like onions? I do plant my garlic in October.

    1. Elizabeth – I am growing French shallots, and I plant my shallots in the fall, at the same time as I plant my garlic. They take quite awhile to develop, but why not plant a few this spring and see what happens? You can always plant more in the fall. The French shallots keep very well.

  3. elizabeth Avatar

    Are you growing French Red Shallots? How do they keep?

  4. Love the pictures! And the chickens!! I always wanted them but my huskys would eat them lol. You must be some where much warmer than long island. Love your site 🙂

    1. Hi Tara! I love the chickens, too! They add so much life to the garden. My dogs would eat them, too, but we keep the chickens safe in a portable tractor. Peace in the valley! We live in north Florida, just a tad warmer than Long Island!

  5. Love all your photos..the nectarine/eggs..all beautiful
    thanks for sharing.

    I am to blog about: kids, parents in garden and value of re: building relationships.
    also kids with grandparents in garden.

    Thanks again for you beautiful photos

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. I will definitely visit your site. I love to spend time in the garden with my little grandson! He is so fascinated by it and loves to help!

  6. jenn bronson Avatar
    jenn bronson

    Beautiful! we are growing quite a few varieties of squash this year as well. we have acorn bush-style, Seminole, Eight Ball, and Kabocha! this is going to be an interesting year because we also seeded a bunch of tomatoes not expecting all of the types to make it and most of them did so we will be trialing A LOT of different tomatoes! YAY for growing food!

    1. Hi Jenn: Don’t you love the names of the squashes? Eight Ball, Seminole, Candy Roaster, Pattypan! Makes you want to plant them just to see what they look like. What kinds of tomatoes are you growing? I hope it’s a good year for them. YAY for growing food indeed! You should join us on Twitter on #Gardenchat. It’s Monday nights at 9:00. It’s a great group of people and we usually have excellent “guest speakers”. Tonight an editor from Martha Stewart Living is the guest!

      1. jenn bronson Avatar
        jenn bronson

        I will definitely join you all! that is awesome! Thanks for the invite.

  7. Love shallots, Carolyn. Asians use a lot. Shallots are delish shallow fried, makes them crispy which you top on anything like soup noodles, salads.

    1. I agree, Eleanor! Shallots have so many good uses in the garden. And they are extra-good crispy! Right now, I am drying some minced shallots to mix with sea salt. Shallot salt. Yum! I can’t wait to try it.

  8. Carolyn, you have an amazing garden! I definitely need to plan my edibles better.

    1. Thanks, Anna! And your lavender makes me envious! So pretty and fragrant. We can grow it here, but it struggles with our humidity.

  9. Your garden looks amazing! Inspiring me to get back in to mine 🙂

    1. I’m glad it inspired you! I get so much inspiration from fellow garden bloggers, and the foodies, too!

  10. It’s like we live in a different world! Still way too chilly here for any of the above…I’ve only had some daffodils so far. Brrr. This Mile High thing does make a big difference and right now wish I was with you!

    1. Come on over! It is like we live in a different world! It’s so hot here that I had to come inside to cool off. It feels like midsummer, including the humidity. Since I can’t be out in the garden, I guess I’ll clean the house!

  11. Thank you for introducing me to your buds – they are beautiful:) I remember those mornings when I could not wait to get the kids off to school to be able to take a stroll through the garden, coffee mug in the hand:)
    I know how exciting it is:)

    1. Hi Lana – Thanks for visitng my garden. I’m glad it brought back happy memories for you. Have a great day!

    2. Coffee mug in hand, I wait for sunrise!

  12. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to be near your place after reading this. To have fresh strawberries and tomatoes would be total heaven for me. Love, love, love your garden!

    1. Hi Kim! I’m glad I can share my garden with you, at least virtually! I hope you come and visit again.

  13. When i read a “few” I was thinking 2-3, but what you have is a full-fledged party! The idea of checking on it’s progress in the morning with a coffee and camera sounds like an incredible way to start the day. Mmmm, last time, I saw a squash blossom, it was in Rome, deep-friend filled with ricotta. Thanks for the memory!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Ethan-that-always-makes-me-laugh! I do enjoy my morning stroll in the garden. I am making an oath to learn how to make deep-fried squash blossoms stuffed with ricotta this season!

  14. WOOT looks like you have it growing on can’t wait for you to get some Moo Poo Tea brewing too : )

    1. Yes! My garden wants some Moo Poo Tea! It needs a shot of energy to keep growing.