Cowlick’s Going to the Big City!

If you’ve been following my blog for awhile, you know that I don’t leave the farm on a weekend unless there’s something big going on.  The birth of a child or the opening of a new Ann Taylor store might entice me out of the garden. It has to be big. And this is! I am so excited to be invited to the Proven Winners Spring Extravaganza in Atlanta next week! Proven Winners is a premier grower of beautiful and dependable plants, and they are offering a series of one day seminar/retreats throughout the country to teach gardeners about their newest products, share inspirational gardening ideas and generally have a wonderful day. The retreat will feature great speakers–I am especially looking forward to the presentations on edible gardening and gardening with children. There will be a wonderful catered lunch and prizes, too! At this time of year, there is nothing like a little inspiration to get your gardening juices flowing. 

Get Inspired at the Proven Winners Spring Extravaganza!

If you can sneak to Atlanta for a day (March 4) or one of the other cities across the country, sign up for the Spring Extravaganza and let me know! I love to meet fellow garden geeks. Read more about the retreat/seminar by visiting the Proven Winners website. I hope to see you in Atlanta!


4 responses to “Cowlick’s Going to the Big City!”

  1. You are going to come home inspired, and full of new ideas. Enjoy your trip to Atlanta. You will get your Ann Taylor fix in Atlanta too.


    P.S. In May there is a BlogHer Food conference in Atlanta too. I think will be heading to the big city myself soon.

    1. Hi Velva,

      If there is one thing I don’t need, it’s more ideas! I don’t have time to make all our ideas happen as it is! But you are right, I will come home inspired to create new and beautiful gardens. I’ll sneak in a visit to my daughter at for a personal spring renovation, eat at some great restaurants, and yes, visit Ann Taylor and IKEA! Too much fun! I will come home tired…

  2. It sounds like a great day. Not sure I will be able to make it, but you never know. Have fun!

    1. You never know! I’m sure it will be fun and rewarding. Maybe we can meet for a glass of wine…