Little Signs of Spring

Golden Snow Pea Blossoms
We harvested our first Golden Snow Peas this morning!
Planting Lancelot Leeks in a ditch
Emerging Squash
Shallots are beginning to develop into bulbs. They are the best scallions!
Beautiful cabbage almost ready to harvest
The strawberries are beginning to blossom and develop fruit


10 responses to “Little Signs of Spring”

  1. Hi
    Your daughter introduced me to your blog (we were comparing notes on the validity of the Google N-gram, but gardening is SO much more interesting…). It’s lovely to see you living the kind of life that my husband and I dream about, and great to see vegetables ready for harvest in February. We are just about managing our first bulbs coming into flower here in Paris. Best wishes with all your endeavours.

    1. Bonjour landscapelover! I will thank my DD for the introduction! Paris has beautiful gardens and farmers’ markets and florists and more! We honeymooned there and loved it. I will have to visit your blog for a taste of France.

  2. You’ve got squash coming up!?! What kind are you growing this year? I think I’m going to follow Carol Deppe’s suggestions from the Resilient Gardener and add in a Seminole from down your way for good measure.

    1. Hi Julianne: We are growing Benning’s Green, White Bush Scallop and Lady Bird Winter (our own seed). Seeding in flats inside to plant in about 4-6 weeks.

  3. Well, now garden gal pal you truly have it growing on : ) Thank you for the tweet that brought me over here Love the share Annie

    1. Hi Annie! Let’s get it growing on! Thanks for visiting us. Manure tea rocks! We garden organically, and a late afternoon tea makes happy plants and happy soil!

  4. Love seeing how your garden is growing! Did you know Chinese people pluck those snow pea shoots and stir fry them! Expensive dish when you order in restaurants cause a lot of work. Think you need to add a little water to steam fry a little, don’t use the stems, can be chewy. Let me know when you try this.

    1. That sounds delicious, Eleanor! I will try it. We’ve got hundreds of snow pea shoots! The snow peas are so pretty, and some are taller than me, now!

  5. Those pictures are like crack for a gardener. Great post garden friend!

    1. LOL! This may be one of my all-time favorite comments! Thanks, Nicky!