Laughing Cow

Cannot believe I got this shot today–out in the backyard!

Laughing Cow!


12 responses to “Laughing Cow”

  1. I am smiling this is great! A laughing cow. 🙂

    1. Hi Velva: It makes me smile every time I see her, too!

  2. You could put this cow on that cheese package! LOL!

  3. Great picture!

  4. Really? I hardly get to meet people out here. Always in Tally, or in my garden!

  5. You know one of my middle school friends from central FL lives out by you…. Tracie Babington Fulford, such a small world!

  6. OMG! That’s hysterical!

  7. That is adorable!!! Your cow?

    1. My neighbor’s cow, but I love her!

  8. Great photo! Happy New Year!

  9. My gosh, where do you live??