A Taste of Spring in January at Just Fruits and Exotics

Apricot Bee January II 1-2-2015 3-20-53 PMI was not the only being that enjoyed a January visit and a taste of spring at my favorite nursery, Just Fruits & Exotics, today. There were a few other humans and a lot of bees. The plant geeks were loading up on fruit and nut trees. The bees were loading up on nectar. There were so many bees on the ornamental apricot tree that Brandy and I could not only see and hear them, we could feel their vibration.

This. Is. Good.

Jonquils 1-2-2015 1-24-35 PM

The first jonquils are blooming! And Stokes Aster!

Stokes Aster 1-2-2015 3-24-43 PM

And Gaillardia!

Gaillarida 1-2-2015 3-24-13 PM

And Diascia!

Diascia II 1-2-2015 3-23-53 PM 1-2-2015 3-23-53 PM

The tasting table is full of fruit varieties I have never heard of. But they are all delicious. They taste of spring and health. A tour of the orchard and greenhouses has us sharing recipes and ideas for preserving…

Tasting Table

Even in Florida, it’s a joy to see blossoms and buds in the middle of winter and to inhale the heady, delicate fragrance of spring. And to see new growth.

Hydrangea 1-2-2015 1-46-55 PM

It’s always a pleasure to talk plants with a passionate expert. How about this new type of fig? How about this heirloom variety of pear? Look at this ingenious grafting of pineapple guava! Taste this floral citrus–yes, it would make a great cocktail! Smell this mint! Take home this old passalong plant!

Passalong 1-2-2015 1-28-58 PM

If your ground isn’t frozen, now is a great time to plant trees and shrubs. My car is full of things to plant this weekend–chestnuts and kiwis and Rangpur lime and pineapple guava (new grafted varieties!) and more!

Thank you to my friend, Brandy, at Just Fruits and Exotics for her hospitality today and for sharing her incredible plant wisdom. <3


4 responses to “A Taste of Spring in January at Just Fruits and Exotics”

  1. Kay Staton Avatar
    Kay Staton

    i am hearing your bees, smelling the daffodils and have visions of the blooming plants. Am also a wee bit jealous as I live in Virginia and we will not see all this beauty for several months.

    1. Hi Kay,

      It was a welcome interlude for sure! I hear we’re going to get freezing weather later on this weekk, though. I’ll have to cover up my delicate plants. This is winter in Florida!


  2. Hey Carolyn,

    Thanks for coming to visit, it is always a pleasure to spend time with you. Loved the tutorial on salting and preserving lemons, I’ll be busy… Hope all the plants grow and give you years of fruit to come.


    1. Hi Brandy,

      I know you’ll enjoy the preserved lemons–such a simple way to preserve them, and wonderful for cooking! And I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about grafting and some of our beautiful Florida natives. I’m looking forward to our plant trials! Thanks for everything!
