Early Spring at Cowlick Cottage Farm

If you’re a gardener like me, now is about the time you start inspecting every plant for signs of new life. And every little sign of spring is a delight, isn’t it? Here are a few of the beauties that I found this morning on the farm.

Spring Garlic (640x427)

The garlic is going strong and putting on plenty of new growth. Over the next few months, the bulbs will develop and fatten up underneath the soil.

Fig (486x640)

The fig trees are just beginning to leaf out. This one is Celeste.

Satsuma (640x427)

Those tiny buds are future Satsuma tangerines. In a week or two, the entire garden will be scented with the heady aroma of citrus blooms. I’m hoping for my first true citrus crop this year.

Spud Bud (640x427)

This is a spud bud! This year I planted our potatoes in a bed of straw in the style of the venerable gardener, Ruth Stout. Today I will add another thick layer of organic hay to cover up this growth.

Baby Lettuces (640x541)

The baby lettuces that I planted last week are settling in nicely. We planted a gourmet blend of Romaine and other varieties.

Purple Cabbage 2 (640x448)

I sowed this purple cabbage from seed in the late fall, and it’s really taking off now that the weather is a little warmer and the days a little longer. It’s so pretty and is more resistant to pests than green cabbage.

Fennel (427x640)

Once this fennel develops its bulbs, we’ll enjoy it in salads and in Fennel and Onion Marmalade. Yum!

Snow Pea (427x640)

The snow peas are beginning their ascent and will soon smother their trellis.

Strawberry Tristan (640x469)

I’m in love with this Tristan Strawberry from my friends at Bonnie Plants. Look at the hot pink flowers!

Strawberry Sweet Charlie (640x478)

This Sweet Charlie strawberry from our friends at Just Fruits and Exotics is a tried-and-true favorite variety.

Parlor Maple (640x462)

This beautiful Abutilon, or Parlor Maple, is an old-fashioned ornamental. Can’t wait to see how it does in the garden this year.

Thank you for enjoying my morning exploration in the garden. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!


4 responses to “Early Spring at Cowlick Cottage Farm”

  1. Shelly Moran Avatar
    Shelly Moran

    Carolyn, I’m so envious. All these pictures are wonderful and make me want to get out into the yard. It’s a warm and sunny day, but I’m bogged down in the house with paperwork for taxes and closing my mother’s estate.

    1. Hi Shelly, Spring will be with you soon, and you’ll have all that paperwork behind you!

  2. Julie @ Garden Delights Avatar
    Julie @ Garden Delights

    Your garden looks lovely! Spring has certainly arrived at the farm, lucky you! Our peas are just about an inch out of the ground, the daffodils are thick and cheerful, and the list of garden projects just got so much longer as I walked around the garden today. What are your favorite potatoes to grow? I’ve grown them for the past two years, but I haven’t placed my order yet. I’m so in love with Ruth Stout’s gardening philosophy! I might try the potato technique as well this year. 🙂

    1. Hi Julie – It sounds like you are well into early gardening season. We have really good luck with Red Bliss-style potatoes here in the Big Bend area. And so far, Ruth Stout’s potato method is working great! I’ll keep you posted. Thanks, Carolyn