Saturday at the Limerick Milk Market

If there is one excellent way to experience a region’s culture, it is to spend time at the farmers market. The Limerick Milk Market is a foodie and gardener’s heaven, with more than 70 shops and stalls selling some of the finest foods and flowers available in Ireland. Located in the heart of Limerick, the market is housed under a giant white canopy, protecting shoppers from inclement weather. The Milk Market has been in operation for 150 years and has a well-deserved reputation for its quality products. Positive energy fills you the moment you enter, and every sense is awakened.

Primroses (640x473)

Primroses and daffodils boldly announce the arrival of spring, while shoppers and shopkeepers are still bundled in their woolens against the damp chill of a February morning. Huge baskets of dried lavender beg to be sniffed and touched. There are creams and soaps and lotions made with goat milk and Irish herbs and flowers. The shopkeepers seem to be unspeakably beautiful.

Country Choice (640x497)

Irish and imported cheeses are piled everywhere, and there are plates set out for sampling. We happily participated.

Cheeses 2 (427x640)

In a corner, young musicians played the harp and violin, and their sweet sounds echo through the market. The players seem lost in their music, oblivious to the market frenzy that goes on all around them.

Harp and Violin (427x640)

The aroma of grilled meat was irresistible, and we feasted on juicy sausage sandwiches dressed in caramelized onions and peppers.

Country Cure (454x640)

Many of the shopkeepers are the growers and producers of the products they sell, and their passion and devotion are evident.

Irish Lady (441x640)

Freshly baked baguettes flew into the arms of the locals, wrapped in their cheery green and white striped bags.

Bread (640x423)

All manner of sweet and savory pastries were on display, and we sampled a flaky croissant filled with almond cream and dusted with sugar. It was the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted.

Pastry 1 (640x429)

Local butchers offered fresh and grilled meats, and carved them to order.

Butcher (427x640)

Did I mention bacon? This beautiful pork belly was being salt-cured on site, and I wished I could bring some home with me!

Bacon Cure 2 (640x427)

For a few euros, you can taste the best of Ireland at the Limerick Milk Market—from a steamy bowl of seafood chowder to a mushroom tart.

Mushroom Tart (427x640)

I cannot think of a finer way to spend a Saturday morning, can you?


12 responses to “Saturday at the Limerick Milk Market”

  1. Amanda Avatar

    Gosh how beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Amanda!

  2. Jan Haynes Avatar
    Jan Haynes

    I want to go there! How beautiful and so special! Always love your posts!

    1. Thanks very much, Jan! <3

  3. Forgot to say – Beautiful post! You’ve done it again!

    1. I loved this place, and if I can share just a taste of it, that makes me happy!

  4. I would love to have one of those almond croissants right now. I was only sad that I didn’t have more cash to buy more treats! xoxo

    1. Seriously! It was probably good that we were Euro-strapped, or we’d have bought the place out. LOL!

  5. Kay Staton Avatar
    Kay Staton

    My mouth usually doesn’t water for the want of food this early in the morning but I could almost visualize myself there!k

  6. I like it.

  7. What a great time..What a life experience. When you arrive back home you are exhausted but are food and culture inspired.


    1. It was wonderful and I am inspired! Somehow, I managed to avoid jet lag! Maybe because I took a day off when I got home to rest up before heading back to the office. It definitely helped.