Homemade yogurt, Homemade Yogurt, www.cowlickcottagefarm.com

Homemade Yogurt (and why to make it)

Homemade Yogurt, www.cowlickcottagefarm.com

Probiotics have been getting a lot of hype in the media lately, and with good reason. I won’t go into the details (there are studies noted below), but probiotics help to keep your digestive system balanced and healthy. And we are learning from many scientific studies that a healthy gut is crucial to overall health and wellness, including weight control, mental health, control of inflammation and much more. There are many probiotic supplements on the market today, but natural probiotics are found in fermented foods, such as pickles and yogurt.

Homemade yogurt is ridiculously simple to make, and it is far less expensive than buying flavored yogurt or probiotic supplements. I think it tastes better, too, with a soft, creamy texture and a little less “tang”. You can make a big batch of yogurt to enjoy in many different ways. Sweeten it with a little jam. Swirl in some local honey or agave nectar and your favorite fresh  fruit, or go savory with it by adding herbs and spices to make a dip for veggies. If you prefer the richer texture of Greek-style yogurt, you can place the yogurt in a strainer lined with a couple of layers of cheesecloth and let it sit in the fridge for several hours to remove some of the liquid whey.

There are only a couple of ingredients required to make homemade yogurt—milk and a little yogurt to get the fermentation process started. The only special equipment required is a candy thermometer.

Homemade Yogurt, www.cowlickcottagefarm.com


Homemade Yogurt (and why to make it)

Carolyn Binder
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Course Healthy


  • One half-gallon of milk whole or nonfat, preferably organic
  • 1/4 cup of plain yogurt with active cultures active cultures are always noted on the label


  • In a heavy saucepan over medium heat, slowly warm the milk until it reaches 180 degrees.
  • Remove the milk from the heat, and let it cool to about 115 degrees, then stir in the yogurt.
  • Pour the mixture into a sterile container (I use a big Mason jar that I’ve sterilized by filling it with boiling water and letting it sit while the yogurt is warming up). Cover and place the yogurt in a warm spot for about 10-12 hours (this is when fermentation occurs). I’ve put mine, wrapped in a towel, in my microwave overnight (without turning the micro on!). Others have used a cooler to keep it warm. Or you can heat your oven to its lowest temperature for a few minutes, then shut it off and put the yogurt in. The point is to keep it nice and warm while it’s fermenting.
  • Now place the yogurt in the refrigerator for a few hours to thoroughly chill it.
  • That’s it! When you are ready to make another batch of yogurt, use 1/4 cup of this batch as the “starter” for the new batch.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

For more information on the benefits of probiotics:





9 responses to “Homemade Yogurt (and why to make it)”

  1. Su Reid-St. John Avatar
    Su Reid-St. John

    Carolyn, thanks for this recipe! I’ve made it twice and am totally in love with it—so simple. Tastes way better than store-bought, too. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Su! It’s so nice to hear from you! I’m so glad that you tried and like the yogurt. We love it, and we almost always have it on hand. Thanks for letting me know that you are enjoying it as well.

  2. I like it

  3. So much simpler than those pricey yogurt makers. Thanks!

  4. I have never cared for yogurt. The tang, and all the added sugars they put in many store brands. This looks so easy to make I think I’ll try it. Thank you for sharing your simple recipe!

    1. Carrie, I much prefer the more delicate flavor of homemade yogurt. I hope you give it a try an let me know how you like it!

  5. That does look a good recipe and I love blueberries …

    All the best Jan

  6. 5 stars
    Lovely post and like Velva always wanted to make as I eat it every but for it was to difficult to-do will have a go at your recipe

  7. I am feeling inspired…..This looks lovely. I enjoy yogurt almost everyday. Why, it has never occured to me to make it is unknown :-). Thanks for sharing this and reminding us that it is not difficult.
